Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Vehicles plowed in to be towed

Stephanie Goetz, WDAY

Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) - A warning tonight from the cities of Fargo and Moorhead, move your car or it'll be towed! The cities are in the process of clearing streets. Fargo has cleared everything but residential roads. As of noon today, the city had towed 38 cars, but most are towed here, to the impound lot.

It'll cost you 70 to 200 dollars to get your vehicle back, but not all vehicles are being impounded. Fargo Police say some owners are catching a break. Tow trucks are running non-stop to get people out of snow drifts, so street crews can clear the roads.

Hundreds of cars just like this one were pulled out of snow piles to the impound. If yours is still stuck, you'll have to be patient; tow companies say wait time for a tow is 7 hours. As each snowflake fell this weekend, mark burke knew what today had in store.

“Same thoughts as the plow guys have. It's a never ending cycle.”

In his four years on the job, Burke says this blizzard is one of the worst.

“It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen something like this.”

Crews around the city are working overtime to get people out of the massive snow drifts. MTW Towing says they expect more than 50 cars to be towed and many throughout the week. Crews plowed and pulled people out all night and with cars littering streets, they say it's just the beginning. Burke says the hardest part of the job is staying safe.

“The hard part is actually you have to look out for everyone else. Especially on the interstate and freeways and that because, and then people don't get out of your way!”

Remember, if they're not moved by tomorrow, they will be towed.


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